Origins 2008 przyznane!
Dodane: 29-06-2008 17:38 ()
W dniu wczorajszym w Columbus w Ohio (USA) ogłoszono laureatów tegorocznej nagrody Origins.
Oto lista zwycięzców w poszczególnych kategoriach:
Miniatures Rules of the Year
Classic Battletech
Miniature or Miniature Line of the Year
Titania’s Fury
Collectible Card Game of the Year
Legend of the Five Rings
Historical Miniature Game of the Year
“Check your 6!”
Historical Miniatures Line of the Year
Romano-Brit 15mm
Historical Board Game of the Year
Age of Empires 3: Age of Discovery
Origins Hall of Fame Inductees:
R.A. Salvatore
Vampire: The Masquerade
Non-Fiction Publication of the Year
Hobby Games: The 100 Best
Fiction Publication of the Year
Astounding Hero Tales
Game Support Product of the Year
Call of Cthulhu Dice Set
Robert Lynn Aspirin
Bob Bledsaw
Charles B. Crain III
James Perham
Erick Wujick
E. Gary Gygax
Roleplaying Game Supplement of the Year
Codex Arcanis
Roleplaying Game of the Year
Aces & Eights
Traditional Card Game of the Year
Zombie Fluxx
Board Game or Expansion of the Year
Starcraft: The Board Game
Nagroda Origins, przyznana w tym roku już po raz 34., to jedna z najbardziej prestiżowych nagród dla gier na świecie.
Źródło: critical-hits
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